愛媛大学 大学院理工学研究科
特定教授 森 伸一郎
行事名: 2024年台湾花蓮地震の被害調査速報会
日 時: 2024年4月23日(火) 13:00から15:00まで
場 所: 愛媛大学南加記念ホール(文京キャンパス)
オンライン: MS-Teams、申し込み受付者にURL連絡します。
主 催: 愛媛大学 大学院理工学研究科 社会インフラメンテナンス工学講座
共 催: 國立臺灣科技大學、愛媛大学防災情報研究センター
後 援: CTB-ehime(えひめ建設技術防災連携研究会)
問合せ: inframente.eu@gmail.com
申 込: Google Forms(https://forms.gle/wLhXxHJ1GVxA5oX16 )
次 第:
開会挨拶: 須賀 幸一(愛媛大学 社会インフラメンテナンス工学講座招聘教員)
発表1 : 2024年花蓮地震における地盤工学的被害 (オンライン)
Chih-Wei, Lu(盧 之偉)(国立台湾科技大学 教授)(同時通訳有)
発表2 : 2024年花蓮地震における橋梁と建築物の被害
森 伸一郎(愛媛大学社会インフラメンテナンス工学講座 特定教授)会場
閉会挨拶: ネトラP.バンダリ(愛媛大学 教授、防災情報研究センター長)
Preliminary Reporting Seminar on
the Damage Survey for the 2024 Hualien, Taiwan, Earthquake
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University
Civil Infrastructure Maintenance Engineering Laboratory
Endowed Chair Professor Shinichiro Mori
On April 3, 2024, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 on the JMA scale (ML 7.2 in Taiwan) occurred off the coast of Hualien County in eastern Taiwan, registering 5 stronger on the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) seismic scale over a wide area and 6 stronger on the JMA intensity scale in Hualien County near the epicenter. As of April 10, 16 people were dead, 1155 people injured and 3 people were missing.
We conducted a reconnaissance from April 11 to 14 in collaboration with Professor Chih-Wei Lu, the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. In order to share the results of the survey with you, we will hold a preliminary reporting seminar both in-person and online as follows. We hope that you will listen to our presentation.
Event Title: Preliminary Report on the 2024 Hualien, Taiwan, Earthquake
Date and Time: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 from 13:00 to 15:00
Place: Nanka (Southern California) Memorial Hall, Ehime University (EU)
Online: MS-Teams, URL will be provided to those who apply.
Organizer: Civil Infra-Maintenance Eng. Lab., Ehime University
Co-organizer: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)
Center for Disaster Mitigation Informatics Research, Ehime University
Cooperation: CTB Ehime (Const. Techno. Bosai Research Consortium in Ehime)
Contact info: inframente.eu@gmail.com
Application: Google Forms URL https://forms.gle/wLhXxHJ1GVxA5oX16
Opening Remarks:
Dr. Koichi Suga (Invited Lecturer, Cicil Infra-Maintenance Eng. Lab. EU)
Presentation 1: Geotechnical Damage in the 2024 Hualien Earthquake
Chih-Wei, Lu (Professor, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
(Online, simultaneous interpretation)
Presentation 2: Damage to Bridges and Buildings in the 2024 Hualien Earthquake
Shinichiro Mori (Professor, Civil Infra-Maintenance Eng. Lab., EU)
Closing Remarks:
Netra P. Bhandary (Professor, Director, CDMIR, Ehime University)